Saturday, January 11, 2014


  • The fundamental force of all human behavior is the insatiable desire to be significant.

  •  One half of all wars are a function of the frustrated attempts of one individual (king) or group to find personal significance by dominating other people.

  • The other half of all wars are a function of the anger of people who have been dominated by others.

  • All anger is rooted in the perception that our significance is being challenged by other people or objects.

  • All anxiety disorders are based on the fear that we will loose our significance.  

  • All depression (realizing too that brain structure from genetics can play a role in depression and anxiety as well) is based on a belief that we have lost our significance.

  • All crime is based on feeble attempts to find significance or from the anger fueled by the perception that our significance has been challenged.

  • We all build facades around our persona that portray us as better than we really are, in attempts to find significance.  Those of us who believe our own facades are narcissistic. 

  • Most of us mistakenly fear that we, on the inside, are worse than we really are. That fear is based on thought that the "badness"within makes us less significant, especially if others ever see the real us.

  • All religions are human attempts to build complex systems, when followed closely, will make us  more significant.

  • We generally don't like people who are different from ourselves, because their difference challenges our sense of significance. If we are really significant, goes the thinking, then everyone should be exactly like us.

  • Most ambitions are our feeble attempts to make us significant.

  • Most heroic acts are frail attempts to achieve significance.

  • Most of the draw of heroes is that we believe that being associated with them, some of their significance will fall on us.

  • All draw to fame and fortune is the mistaken belief that when achieved, it will give us significance.  

  • The suicidal rate is higher among those who have achieved fame and fortune because they realize that it did not accomplish significance after all.  

  • Most of us, in our deep and hidden places, find pleasure when others preform worse than us, in talents, in skills, in spirituality or any other aspect of life, because when we compare ourselves to others and come out ahead, we mistakenly believe that it enhances our significance.

  • Solomon was believed to be the smartest person who has every lived, yet it took his entire life to figure out the above.  He was also smart enough to know that you can still enjoy the simple pleasures of life when you have divorce them from the pursuit of significance. 

  • The problem of significance has been solved forever, metaphysically, by the created act of God, who embedded significance within us through his creative act . . . so we are passively significant. It is also been solved, morally, by the work of Christ.  However, none of us really believe this . . . so we continue the pointless quest that is perpetually dissatisfying.  


  1. Wow, that's a stunning collection of observations. Glad you are finding time to write. Been reading you for quite a while.

  2. This really made me stop and think. I would like to ponder it more but I keep getting tripped up by wondering exactly what is implied in the word "significance". When you have a few minutes, do you think you could flesh out the word some more? I always enjoy reading what you have to say.

  3. I think the way I'm using this word is close to the same meaning as "value." Maybe a more complex meaning is desiring for others to see me as being a source of a positive influence in the world.

    I think Facebook is so popular because the way many people use it is to post things that are important to them and/or that they know will be liked by others. Then they hope that someone "likes" your posts . . . which makes you feel significant. Maybe that is why I try to write when I have 2-3 minutes in a day to do the same. I hope someone would like it and it would then (falsely) give me the assurance that I have some meaning in the world.

    I see Solomon's great insight is that we can do all those simple things of life (having dinner with friends, being creative, having ambition)and finding great joy in it, but, separating it from that insatiable desire to feel better about yourself in the end and if you don't feel better about yourself, then you feel horrible about yourself.

    I think even the best of us only get a glimpse of the great, perpetual, meaning we have
    intrinsically in Christ.
