Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Just Learned that Edith Schaeffer Pass Away On April 7th

I don't have time to write right now but I just heard today that Edith Schaeffer passed away April 7th.  Warts and all, she was a fine woman and I had the privilege of knowing her for a short while.


  1. I attended a nice memorial service for her last Sat. In Southborogh.

    S in Beantown

  2. I wish I could have been there. Do you know if she is being laid to rest next to Francis in Rochester or in Huemoz?

  3. I know nothing about burial arrangements, but I encourage you to read a warm tribute by son Frank at the Huffington Post site. His comments indicate she died April 30.

  4. I'm pretty sure she's being buried with Francis.If I hear different from my L'Abri friends I'll let you know.

  5. So that would be in Rochester, MN
