Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pray for Eagle!!!

I just
got this off Imonk. I may be the last to know but if you haven't heard, pray for him.

Urgent Prayer Request29
 UPDATE at 10:30pm at Wartburg Watch.
* * *
I saw this on Wartburg Watch today and called Dee immediately to find out more.
It seems our friend and regular commenter, Eagle, is in the midst of a serious health emergency and is hospitalized near his home. I don’t know enough to share details (and that would not be appropriate without his permission anyway), but he is in the Intensive Care Unit and the medical staff is trying to understand his condition and provide the best treatment.
He also has no family near him at this time.
I am monitoring the situation and staying in touch with my Wartburg Watch friends and hope to talk to Eagle soon if possible.
I will update you as I can, but I am asking you at this point to pray for him. If you would like to send messages of encouragement and support to him via email, you can send them to me atTHIS ADDRESS.

1 comment:

  1. Wartburg Watch has more details; Deb & Dee there are keeping on top of the situation. As of last night, it was definitely sepsis ("blood poisoning" in the language of my parents' generation) but Eagle seems to be stabilized.

    Headless Unicorn Guy
