Sunday, April 15, 2012

An Ingenuous Apologetic (. . . or why I still believe that Christianity is true . . . or mostly true.

A good day in church. A retired college professor is doing a series on Science and Christianity. Today, most of the time was in discussion however, he did show the following video by Francis Collins, MD, PhD.  I would embed it if I could but you just have to follow this link. It is consistent with the series I was doing on why I personally believe.


  1. I love Francis Collins. hey there is this website called "" that I discovered recently and I think it has you written all over it. please check it out!

  2. I really like the theistic evolution idea. The nagging problem for me is trying to figure out where in the biblical account that real people appear. Noah? Abraham? Moses? The whole book of Genesis seems to be seemless.

  3. There are several problems with evolution, speaking Biblically. On one side, I respect Collin's view that there is strong evidence, genetically, that evolution did happen. He believes that God did it. But then, like you said, it is hard to reconcile with the Genesis account, and theologically with the Fall of Adam. I would like to hear Collin's view on those.

  4. Interesting point , but I think that genesis isn't actually giving us any sort of history. There is overwhelming archaeological & historical evidence that genesis is mythology in it's entirety. But still carries alot of theological value. A Good book to read in regards to the biblical issues surrounding genesis and evolution check out "peter enns - the evolution of adam"
