Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Dog Days of Summer

I wish I could write more here. I have so much I want to say. However, we've had a long string of guests and urgent things to be done that I've barely had time to sleep. I see no end in sight but when I can, I will be back.

I was thinking this morning about what is the Gospel. I think another defining part of Evangelicalism is the narrowness of the Gospel. The Evangelicals see the Gospel as knife-edged, meaning that it is only a tract and a decision for Jesus. The broader Gospel, which I know subscribe to, is broad. It is about bringing redemption to all parts of life on this earth.

I wish I could say more and hopefully will be back to do so . . . but for now, I'm late for work.

1 comment:

  1. The broader Gospel, which I know subscribe to, is broad. It is about bringing redemption to all parts of life on this earth.

    Including "subcreations" like imaginary critters, even if only lines on paper in the shape of psychedelic-furred weasels with antennae or she-cobras posing in white dresses.

    Headless Unicorn Guy
