Sunday, February 28, 2010

Earthquake and Connecting the Dots

With such a powerful earthquake (Chile) coming on the heels of such a devastating one (Haiti) and a powerful one but not so destructive one (Okinawa) I have the feeling that some TV evangelist will sooner or later start to connect the dots. I hope not. It is always a sad thing to see someone overlook the intense suffering of real people, in real places . . . people whom God loves, and only use them as pawns in propping up someone's eclectic eschatology. Pat??? Pat??? Hey, are you there?

The relief group I work with is on standby. I doubt if the call will come for Chile, but we will see.

On a different topic, I got a notification that one of my manuscripts (a novel) made it to a final round of a national writer's competition. The odds are still not in my favor. However, after 20 years of working on books, this will be the first time that I will have a manuscript read by a potential publisher. I've never gotten past a query letter before. I've entered contest for fiction before but I've never gotten past the first round (where they only read you description and not the actual manuscript). Like I've said before, I don't mind having someone read a manuscript and tell me it's crap . . . it is the inability to even get it read that can be frustrating (just ask any of the tens of thousand writer wannabes).


  1. With such a powerful earthquake (Chile) coming on the heels of such a devastating one (Haiti) and a powerful one but not so destructive one (Okinawa) I have the feeling that some TV evangelist will sooner or later start to connect the dots.

    So do I. I'm surprised some Big Name Televangelist hasn't already shot his mouth off over this. "End Time Prophecy (TM)" if nothing else.

    The relief group I work with is on standby. I doubt if the call will come for Chile, but we will see.

    So far, Chile seems to have its act together. Highly-professional volunteer fire departments, good building codes preventing the structural collapses which killed the majority of Haitians, and a governmental corruption index actually less than the US. Their problem is that they're not that large a country, and a disaster this large can overwhelm them.

    Headless Unicorn Guy

  2. Which novel is this? Is it a new one?

  3. Notal, it was the one called Klo
